Our Story

Our story and journey. Here is why we exist

About Us

The PLLI (Pistis Life and Leadership Institute) is positioning as one of Africa’s leading hybrid learning Institution and education hubs offering forward-thinking open enrolment courses, specialized executive education programs and short modular courses anchored on four broad Schools of Subject Matter Excellence (School of Enterprise Development-SOED, School of Leadership Development-SOLD, School of Faith Ministry-SOFM and School of Governance & Politics-SOGP). As an Executive Education Institute, we work with a passion to be a community of exceptional leaders equipped with the right values to transform societies and impact Africa.

what makes us tick?



The institution’s unique value proposition lies in its integrating practical application of taught principles in the student’s curriculum, as well as its strong enabler community supported by a plethora of partner organizations which it has strategic alliances with. In line with global leading practices.

Our brand promise is this: “To nurture you within an enabler community of like minds imbued with the right values and equipped for positive impact”

The Pistis Life and Leadership Institute had her formal launch on November 17th 2021 with the vision to build a community of exceptional leaders who will be equipped with the right values to transform societies and impact Africa. The reason behind the schools’ existence is to change the poor leadership narrative in Africa by developing a community of people imbued with the right values and equipped to positively impact Africa.


PLLI’s positioning as a unique learning institution powered by a robust digital technology base (for scale & spread) and primarily targeting Generation Zs and millennials who cut across different Socio-economic Classes (SEC) is aimed at putting to rest the debate on whether Africa’s large youth population is an opportunity that can be leveraged or a ticking time bomb. PLLI is on a mission to transform Africa, leveraging the potential of the growing youthful population by equipping a leader for every hundred.

We hold the belief that it takes a community to raise a champion. And this belief is entrenched in our practical community-based approach to teaching.

Our big WHY is to transform societies and inspire positive change on the African continent, by building a community of exceptional leaders for the purpose, with the mission of equipping one for every hundred.

We value community, excellence, accountability, integrity, innovation, and sustainability.

We pride ourselves in our mastery of technology to provide impactful digital-led hybrid courses to millennials and Gen-Zs; in the diaspora community, locally, as well as to the key decision makers in Multinationals, National Corporates, SMEs, and the Trade Sector.

We are a Tech savvy, everyday-accessible-solutions provider.

We are specialization-focused thought-leaders. 

Flashy, yet reliable, and the rock stars of todays and tomorrow’s education sector.

Enroll in our Courses Today

Start Here

Begin your journey to becoming an exceptional leader regardless of your field or industry and sign up for our programs and courses across our four dedicated schools.